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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring Has Sprung Blog Hop! Featuring a Freebie AND a Giveaway!

You have NO idea how happy I am that SPRING HAS ARRIVED!!!   I live in Chicago and winter was rough this year, to say the least!  So, I am very happy to announce that I've joined forces with 19 other teacher-bloggers to bring you some awesome FREEBIES and GIVEAWAYS!   Just hop on through, grabbing some fabulous free items and entering some great giveaways!


If you follow my blog regularly, you know how much I LOVE using games in the classroom!  I keep a huge basket full of various reading, math, and science games to pull from for use in centers, small groups, or as homework.  Some of them have been in circulation for more than 10 years, but they are still going strong!  I think there is no better way for my littles to get the repetition they need to learn basic math facts and sight words than to play a game.  I also think games are a great way for students to develop reading fluency.  You can see my recent post about games and reading fluency by clicking HERE.   


Click on the picture to find it on Teachers Notebook.

This FREE set includes 3 types of games (K-2):  a full color Bump game, two add and read sight word sentences games, and one addition color by sum game.  It also includes an emergent reader and more pages, but games are the focus of our hop!   I hope your class has fun practicing with these!  


Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below to win a READING FLUENCY GAMES BUNDLE (not yet available in my stores) worth $30!   It includes 10 games to use throughout the year!  Plus, just to give you a better chance of winning, I'll pick 1 winner for every 50 entries.  We'll let the numbers decide how many winners I pick!  

The READING FLUENCY GAMES BUNDLE includes the following list of games.  You can click on each title to take a look at it in one of my stores.  

*CLICK HERE to see the general terms and conditions of the giveaway.  Remember, you must be a resident of the U.S. and at least 18 years of age to enter.  Also, all entries will be verified.  Unverified entries will not count.  Good luck!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please click on the blog button below to visit Cherry Workshop
the next stop on the hop!  

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring Has Sprung Linky Party! Free and Priced Resources for Spring!

Yea!  It's FINALLY the first day of spring!  Let's celebrate the (hopefully!) end of cold and snow in Chicago with some link party fun!  

Scroll to the bottom to take a look at some great, spring-themed, free and priced resources for grades K-3.  Who couldn't use something NEW for spring?!  

Teacher-Authors:  Feel free to add your links below.  Please add only 1 free item and 1 priced item (or 2 free items) for grades K-3.  Also, to help visitors to the site, please add "FREE" to the title if your resource is free and a $ if it is a priced item.  If you have room, please add the grade level of the resource.  Please make sure your link goes directly to the resource and not to a blog post.  Thanks!  

Here, you will find great, spring-themed, free and priced items for K-3.  

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Thank you for reading!  I hope you found some great spring resources for your classroom!  

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

GIVEAWAY! Secret Word Write the Room COMBO PACK!

What do you do when your class has grown tired of the usual "Write the Room" activities?  Switch it up with some "secret words" of course!  

This COMBO pack includes all 7 of my "Secret Word Write the Room" products (for K & 1st).  I have sets for back to school, fall, Thanksgiving, winter, spring, and summer, as well as a gingerbread set!  Each individual write the room set includes:

*2 levels of write the room sight word cards with 18 cards each
*Most sets include 1 EDITABLE set of cards!  I'm busy adding editable cards to ALL of the sets!
*5 write the room lists with separate secret words (in color and blackline)
*1 write the WHOLE room recording sheet (in color and blackline)
*1 write the room & make sentences sheet (in color and blackline)

I tried to make these sets so that there is something for every child in the class.  I have some students who simply like to write the words, reading them with me or a friend.  Some like to figure out the "secret words."  My high flyers either write all of the words or use some words in sentences.  It doesn't matter which activity they choose, everyone is enjoying Write the Room once again!  

So, to WIN your own Secret Word Write the Room COMBO SET (a $15 value), just enter the Giveaway below!  There will be 3 winners.  Remember:  The giveaway is only open to U.S. residents 18 and over.  Good luck!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Using Board Games for Reading Practice and Fluency (and a FREEBIE!)

Click on the picture to see this product on Teachers Notebook.

I played this reading board game with my own children.  My son was reading the CVC words while my daughter read the sentences.  Then, they both wrote words or sentences on recording sheets with dry erase markers.  It was great practice with little protest because they love to play games!  

I have actually made several similar games for my classroom over the years.  Students love to take them home.  Parents find them easy to use.  They are a simple, quick way to practice reading without overwhelming reluctant readers.  Most importantly, my students ASK to play them with friends at school and often request to take them home.  

So, I have tried to make games that appeal to several groups of readers in my class:  those just beginning to merge sounds to make words, students who need sight word and fluency practice, and a more challenging set for the high flyers.  One of the things I love the most is that students don't have to use the same set of cards in order to play the game together!  

I hope your students are enjoying the games as much as my class and my own children.  Click on the picture below to download a FREE one for spring!   

Thank you for reading!  
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