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Thursday, July 31, 2014

It's the Back to School Sale FREEBIE and FAVORITE PRODUCT Linky Party!

I don't know about you, but I am SO happy that the Back to School Sale is here!  I have several items on my wish list that I can't wait to get!  

So, I wanted to make sure that we all got a look at some great stores that are participating in the sale.  Each participating store has one FREEBIE listed below.  That way, you can see the quality of their work.  Each seller has also listed their FAVORITE PRODUCT.  I know that I have a couple of products in my store that I just LOVE.  The favorite products could be "go to" products or projects that students thought were super fun.  Scroll down to take a look!  

Sellers:  If you would like to participate in the linky, please add ONE FREE and ONE FAVORITE, priced item to the linky.  Indicate FREE or $ on each link.  Then, grab the sale pic from above, add it to your blog post or share it on FB or Twitter with a link back to this page.  Thanks!  

Check out these FREE and ON SALE items!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Markdown Monday!

We're celebrating Markdown Monday with Kelly and Kim!  Click on the picture above to take a look at all the items that are on sale Monday, July 28th - Friday, August 1st!  

I have 2 items that are currently marked down.  The first product was just marked down for this sale.  It is one of my best-selling items, Cut-and-Glue Sight Word Sentences for Kindergarten and First Grade.   Click on the picture below to take a look!  This item will be discounted thru Friday!

The second item is being offered as a 40% off Daily Deal on Teacher's Notebook.  It's one of my ALREADY DISCOUNTED COMBO packs!   Click on the picture below to take a look!  This item will ONLY be discounted on Monday!

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's Christmas in July on Teacher's Notebook!

Starting tomorrow, Teacher's Notebook will be running a Christmas in July promotion!  EVERYTHING in my store will be on sale for 20% off, too!  ALSO, all purchases made July 25-27 qualify for DOUBLE TN reward dollars (for every $10 spent, receive $1 reward to be used towards a future purchase). To earn rewards, you will need to rate and provide feedback for the products that you purchase.

So, click on the picture at the top of this post or HERE to visit my Teacher's Notebook store. It's  a great time to stock up on what you need for the fall!  

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A HUGE Science Book Set and a GIVEAWAY!!!

Click on the picture to see this product on Teachers Notebook.
CLICK HERE to find it on Teachers Pay Teachers. 
I cannot tell you how excited I am to be able to FINALLY post this product!  I have been working on it since the end of the last school year.  A couple of the books were finished, but I wanted to wait until I had at least 25 before posting the product.  Here it is!  I found myself always needing more materials to go with our science curriculum.  Plus, I love it when I can integrate science and reading, sending a mini-book home with each student for further reading practice and reflection on our science topic.  My goal is to have books for every topic that we cover.  Here's a picture with all of the books this set contains so far:  

Here's a list of all 27 books that you will find in this set:
  1. The Life Cycle of the Butterfly
  2. The Life Cycle of the Chicken
  3. The Frog Life Cycle
  4. The Plant Life Cycle
  5. The Life Cycle of the Pumpkin
  6. The Life Cycle of the Apple Tree
  7. The Five Senses
  8. My Body
  9. All About Insects
  10. All About Amphibians
  11. All About Reptiles
  12. What is a Mammal?
  13. All About Fish
  14. All About Birds
  15. All About Penguins
  16. All About Hibernation
  17. Forest Animals
  18. Desert Animals
  19. Arctic Animals
  20. Ocean Animals
  21. Rainforest Animals
  22. Float and Sink
  23. The Weather
  24. The Water Cycle
  25. The States of Matter
  26. That is Gravity!
  27. All About Magnets                              AND STILL COUNTING!

Each book comes in 2 versions.  Version A has shorter sentences and easier language/more sight words when possible.  You have no idea how difficult this is for science topics!  So, here's my disclaimer:  I tried my best to make Version A as simple as I could while still covering the material.  Version B has longer sentences, more specific science vocabulary, and a little more information about the topic.  Even with my kinders, I found that some of my students needed more of a challenge.  They were ready to read science books with more detail.  So, I made sure to create 2 versions of books.  

If you simply love this set (like I do!), then you can grab it on sale for 50% off (only $6!!!) thru midnight CST on Friday, July 18th.  Click here to see it on Teacher's Notebook.  Click here to see it on Teachers Pay Teachers.  THIS WILL INCLUDE ALL FUTURE BOOKS THAT ARE ADDED TO THIS SET!  My intention is to keep adding books until either the file gets too large to upload or it reaches 50 books.  Then, I might start a second set!  


Get ready for fall!  Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this post for your chance to win $25 worth of credit to my store (1 winner).  You can choose this science set as part of your $25 in products or, if you have already purchased it from one of my stores, then you can choose something else!  


This giveaway is open to residents of the US age 18 and older.  Please take a look at my "Terms and Conditions" page for the giveaway.  Also, every effort will be made to verify your responses, so please remember that honesty is the best policy here!   If it is found that you did not complete a requirement, then your entry will have to be disqualified.  :(

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Markdown Monday! See What's on SALE!

Click on the picture and scroll down to see ALL OF THE SALE ITEMS!!!
I'm so happy to be participating in Markdown Monday with Kelly and Kim!  Everyone picks an awesome item from their store to discount from today until Friday.  If you click on the picture above, you can take a look at ALL of the discounted items.  Or, scroll down to take a look at what's on sale in my store!    Sorry, but this promotion has ended. :(  However, you can still scroll down and take a look at my twist on "write the room" activities!

Click on the picture to grab this already discounted set for another 40% off!!!

I created this set of "Secret Word" write the room sets because many of my students were just getting tired of the regular sets.  My high flyers needed more of a challenge to do on their own.  Those students who needed a little assistance found friends to help them or asked me.  Usually, after doing one or two with help, they were soon doing the work on their own, needing help only with reading the clue.  This set was definitely a hit in my classroom!  I hope your students will enjoy it, too!  

Thanks for reading and happy Monday!

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Handwriting Practice WITH Sight Words!

Today, my soon-to-be first grader and kindergartener were practicing their writing AND sight words using my new "Handwriting Workbook:  Sight Word Sentences."  This product has one sight word sentence for each letter, including over 100 Dolch sight words!   Each page also offers students the opportunity to practice upper- and lower-case forms of the letter.  

Using this workbook, students will focus on letter formation, sight words, capitalization, punctuation, and spacing.  Two copies of the book are included in this set:  one with a block font and the other with a D'Nealian-style font.    

Click the picture to see this on Teacher's Notebook.
Click HERE to see it on Teachers Pay Teachers. 

Thanks for reading!  

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