I cannot tell you how excited I am to be able to FINALLY post this product! I have been working on it since the end of the last school year. A couple of the books were finished, but I wanted to wait until I had at least 25 before posting the product. Here it is! I found myself always needing more materials to go with our science curriculum. Plus, I love it when I can integrate science and reading, sending a mini-book home with each student for further reading practice and reflection on our science topic. My goal is to have books for every topic that we cover. Here's a picture with all of the books this set contains so far:
Here's a list of all 27 books that you will find in this set:
- The Life Cycle of the Butterfly
- The Life Cycle of the Chicken
- The Frog Life Cycle
- The Plant Life Cycle
- The Life Cycle of the Pumpkin
- The Life Cycle of the Apple Tree
- The Five Senses
- My Body
- All About Insects
- All About Amphibians
- All About Reptiles
- What is a Mammal?
- All About Fish
- All About Birds
- All About Penguins
- All About Hibernation
- Forest Animals
- Desert Animals
- Arctic Animals
- Ocean Animals
- Rainforest Animals
- Float and Sink
- The Weather
- The Water Cycle
- The States of Matter
- That is Gravity!
- All About Magnets AND STILL COUNTING!
Each book comes in 2 versions. Version A has shorter sentences and easier language/more sight words when possible. You have no idea how difficult this is for science topics! So, here's my disclaimer: I tried my best to make Version A as simple as I could while still covering the material. Version B has longer sentences, more specific science vocabulary, and a little more information about the topic. Even with my kinders, I found that some of my students needed more of a challenge. They were ready to read science books with more detail. So, I made sure to create 2 versions of books.
Get ready for fall! Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this post for your chance to win $25 worth of credit to my store (1 winner). You can choose this science set as part of your $25 in products or, if you have already purchased it from one of my stores, then you can choose something else!
This giveaway is open to residents of the US age 18 and older. Please take a look at my "Terms and Conditions" page for the giveaway. Also, every effort will be made to verify your responses, so please remember that honesty is the best policy here! If it is found that you did not complete a requirement, then your entry will have to be disqualified. :(