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Monday, May 5, 2014

Giveaway! Summer Bash Bundle for Kindergarten and First!

Let's celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week with a GIVEAWAY!  This bundle of summer-themed resources for K-1 includes 7 engaging products!  TWO lucky teachers/educators/homeschoolers will win this bundle, valued at $32.  You have from May 5th until May 9th to enter, so hurry!  

You must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the US to enter.  Please see the "Terms and Conditions" on the Rafflecopter widget for more details.  Also, every effort will be made to verify the winning entries.

This packet contains items that would be great to use AT THE END OF SCHOOL, during SUMMER SCHOOL, as TAKE-HOME REVIEW PACKS, and/or WITH YOUR OWN CHILD at home.

Click on each picture to take a look:  

Best of luck and thanks for entering!  

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