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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Sale on TpT Linky Party!

To celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, Teachers Pay Teachers is having a site-wide SALE!  Visit the site on May 6 or 7 and be sure to use the promo code TPTXO to receive a discount IN ADDITION to the sale prices!  

Take a look at the linky below to see some teachers who are having a SALE on May 6th and 7th!  To add your store, click on "add a link" below.  There are 2 requirements:  
1) Please make sure your link goes directly to your store.  2) Use the picture at the top of this post to advertise this page via your blog or other social media.  Thanks!  

Here are some teacher-authors who are having SALES for Teacher Appreciation Week!  

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

* The adorable image at the top was created with graphics/fonts from:
Melonheadz, Creative Clips, & Sonya DeHart.   Click on the name to visit each store!  
Pin It!


  1. Thanks for the opportunity to link, Tammy, and thanks also for linking up at mine!

  2. Thanks for the opportunity to link up!

  3. Thank you for hosting this linky party! Have a great rest of your day!
